Saturday, 21 May 2011

numerous wheelbarrows at the orchard

The allotments

St Anns allotment is located in St Anns Nottingham, The area normally is disregarded as a place in nottingham that people would rather not visit and it is an area that has a high level of poverty and social problems, However the beautiful allotments that lie in the middle of them should not be overlooked and due to the size of them can not easily be missed. The site is approximatly 300 achres with a huge ammount of plots all ranging in size, the plots have building sand structures on them that date back to the victorian era and the site is now a grade 2 listed site. Fundign from the lottery has ment that STAA (St Anns Allotment Association) have been able to restore many feature on the site and this funding has also ensured the association can manage the site and ensure that projects such as the community orchard and eco works can continue to grow

It is with the help of these organisations that my project has been able bo grow. They have allowed me to access the site and conduct interviews with tenants as well as workign on the orchard and with Ecoworks.

The pictures on this page are just a small selection of the many hundreds I have taken throughout the winter.

Wednesday, 30 March 2011

A few photos from St Anns Allotments

Signs on the Community Orchard
An original Victoria garden shed on the Hunger Hill site
interesting planter!
It was a bit of a rainy day!

Friday, 11 March 2011

Allotments, allotments, allotments, picture to follow...